Monday, March 12, 2012

DateAmount DueAmount PaidDate PaidResidual
February 1, 2012$150$150February 1, 2012$1,350
March 1, 2012$150$150March 1, 2012$1,200
April 1, 2012$150$150April 16, 2012$1,050
May 1, 2012$150$150April 27, 2012$900
June 1, 2012$150  $900
July 1, 2012$150  $900
August 1, 2012$150  $900
September 1, 2012$150  $900
October 1, 2012$150  $900
November 1, 2012$150  $900
December 1, 2012$150  $900
Rent to own contract STATEMENT OF EXISTING LEASE AGREEMENT Nicholas A Pappas__________________________________________ is the owner of the (Company or Trust's Name) following vehicle: ___1990 Honda Civic CRX VIN# JHMED8366LS005106____________________________ Year Make Vehicle Identification Number Leased To: _____Raul Giangrasso_____________for a period of: 10 months___________ (Client's Name) at: $150 _per Month______________________________________¬¬¬¬_________________ (The vehicle is insured by Nicholas Pappas without exclusions for other drivers) Lessee is responsible for all repairs and/or damages done while in possession of the vehicle. Lessee will pay 100% of deductible costs if insurance claim must be filed. Lessee will pay 100% of any and all citations while vehicle is in Lessee's possession. Due on or before: The 1st of every month starting February 1, 2012_ _________________ If payment is not received by the 1st, $25 late fee will be charged each week. $1500 is due in monthly installments due on or before: December 1st, 2012_____________ Upon receipt of the $1500, the Lessee will receive ownership of vehicle and Title. BY:_________________________________________________________________________ (Signature/Title of Authorized Representative of Company or Trust) BY:_________________________________________________________________________ (Signature/Title of Authorized Representative of Lessee)